Have you ever wondered if we’re all just practicing normal?
Practicing Normal (978-1-61188-244-5, The Story Plant, June 6, 2017), the latest novel from women’s fiction author, Cara Sue Achterberg, takes the reader inside the minds and hearts of the Turner family as they struggle with the same issues many of us do—managing family life, caring for aging parents, keeping a marriage alive, navigating teen culture, educating a child who is ‘different,’ and wondering amidst it all what the neighbor’s think.
Jacquelyn Mitchard, New York Times bestselling author of The Deep End of the Ocean, had this to say about Practicing Normal: “Does facing the truth beat living a lie? In Practicing Normal, Cara Sue Achterberg has given us a smart story that is both a window and a mirror, about the extraordinary pain – and the occasional gifts—of an ordinary life.”
Achterberg’s character driven, fast-paced narrative delves into underrepresented areas in traditional fiction—Asperger’s Syndrome, depression in the elderly, and hospice nursing. “It was important to me that I get JT, the 12-year-old with Asperger’s, right. I had no experience with Asperger’s, so I did my research and then found parents of children with Asperger’s to read the rough manuscript and take me to task on anything that didn’t ring true.”
The story starts on an ordinary day and soon spirals into chaos as the family finally faces the truth in all its forms. Everett, the father who believes he loves his wife becomes increasingly infatuated with his mistress. 17-year-old Jenna, a master at breaking into her neighbor’s homes gets caught red handed. JT steps out from the cocoon of his family and experiences his first taste of success and reality. And their mother, Kate, wants more than anything to create the picture-perfect family. Instead she juggles her overbearing sister who insists on resurrecting their long-lost father, her mother who lives down the street demanding more of Kate’s time as her health deteriorates, her precocious daughter who skips school and begins a romance with an unlikely neighbor, JT who requires strict routines to manage his moods, and her husband she once adored who she suspects of cheating.
As their intertwined stories race towards a tragic conclusion, everyone’s normal is tested, and in the end, as Kate says, “Maybe normal is relative.”
Achterberg’s previous novels, I’m Not Her, and Girls’ Weekend were national best sellers. She lives in New Freedom with her family where she teaches creative writing, writes two blogs, and has fostered over eighty rescue dogs. Information on all her writing, books, and blogs can be found at CaraWrites.com.
Press Release for Girls' Weekend
Hey Moms – Want to Run Away? Ever wondered if you were meant for bigger things? Latest novel explores who we are, why we love, and what makes us truly happy
NEW FREEDOM, PA, June 6, 2016 -- Dani, Meg, and Charlotte have bonded over babies, barbeques, and backyards, but when they escape for a girls’ weekend away, they can't bring themselves to return to lives that don't seem to fit anymore. All three thought they would be different. None of them thought they'd be facing down forty and still wondering when life starts. What they do when they realize where they're headed is both inspiring and wildly entertaining.
GIRLS' WEEKEND (The Story Plant, 2016, 978-1-61188-228-5, $15.99) is a fun, yet poignant romp through the universal search for who we are, why we love, and what makes us happy.
If you’re a mom, at some point or another (or maybe every day) you’ve wanted to run away. Cara Sue Achterberg had that urge after relocating to PA, deciding to stay home with three young children and care for their small farm while her husband traveled for his work. When her preschooler threatened to move out over the rules, the school called once again about her oldest child, and her toddler spent his days cutting the whiskers off the cat and poking holes in the couch with a pencil, she finally decided she would run away – on paper anyway.
“Writing this novel gave me the chance to face many of my ‘mom fears’ like- Am I still me? Could I survive if I lost one of my kids? Did I marry the right man? Writing through these worries helped me sort them out without actually having to go through them.” Cara Sue Achterberg is a writer and blogger who grew up in Hockessin, Delaware and now lives in New Freedom, PA with her family and an embarrassing number of animals. Girls’ Weekend is her second novel. Her first novel, I’m Not Her, was a national bestseller. Cara’s nonfiction book, Live Intentionally, is a guide to the organic life filled with ideas, recipes, and inspiration for living a more intentional life. Cara is a busy mom who teaches creative writing and whose essays and articles have been published in numerous anthologies, magazines, and websites. Links to her blogs, news about upcoming publications, and pictures of her foster dogs can be found at CaraWrites.com.
Achterberg is happy to visit with book clubs in person or via skype and she welcomes feedback and questions from readers and new writers. Sign up on her website to receive a monthly e-newsletter that include writing tips and news of her blogs, along with healthy recipes and organic life news.
Press Release for I'm Not Her
National Bestseller I’m Not Her, a Remarkably Assured Debut Novel by Cara Sue Achterberg
STAMFORD, CONNECTICUT…Runner up in the first annual AuthorsFirst novel writing contest, Cara Sue Achterberg’s remarkably assured debut novel, I’m Not Her was published by The Story Plant in August 2015 and recently became a national bestseller. Delving into topics such as body image, self-esteem and the economic divide, I’m Not Her makes the perfect Women’s Fiction book club selection.
Inspiration for the tale about Carin, a pretty, self-absorbed, underemployed young college graduate and Leann, an uneducated, perennially poor, obese checkout clerk who inexplicably switch lives (and bodies), came from looking around at the people nearby and wondering – what if I were her? Or him?
“I’d imagine my new life,” says Achterberg, “and soon enough it would be my turn at the checkout or doctor’s office. It was a way to pass the time, but as an adult I realize that we can’t really know what it’s like to be someone else unless we’ve walked in their shoes. We all have a story.” In telling Leann and Carin’s story, Achterberg hopes that it reminds us that we can never assume anything about anyone because we’re not them.
A freelance writer and blogger, Cara Sue Achterberg lives on a hillside in South Central, Pennsylvania with her family, three horses, a frequently changing number of cats, and too many chickens to count. Her essays have been published in numerous anthologies and her freelance work has been featured in national magazines. In addition to writing, she teaches workshops on Intentional Living and blogs about her adventures as a foster dog family at https://anothergooddog.wordpress.com/.
For more information about Cara, visit her website, http://www.carawrites.com/. The Story Plant is an independent publishing house built by writers for writers located in Stamford Connecticut. Its sister site, AuthorsFirst, is dedicated to nurturing new writing talent. I’m Not Her is available everywhere books are sold.
About the book: A work of womens fiction that explores what it’s like to walk in someone else’s shoes – quite literally. It’s the story of Leann and Carin and the fall out after a Valentine’s Display topples on Carin’s pretty head and lands her in Leann’s difficult life. More than a case of trading places, I’m Not Her explores the question of whether appearances or circumstances make us who we are. It’s a surprising tale about the way the world sees us and the courses we are on. Published by Story Plant, I'm Not Her is available for sale wherever books are sold.
Press Release for Live Intentionally Tired of being a standby passenger in this life?
Simple changes for a healthier happier life
YORK, Pennsylvania, December, 2014 – Many of us move through life as standby passengers, allowing the media and the masses to dictate the direction of our lives. When her family’s health and stress level spiraled out of control, Cara Sue Achterberg grabbed a parachute and began a journey to a healthier, happier life for herself and her family.
Presented in a friendly, often humorous and always down-to-earth manner, Live Intentionally: 65 Challenges for a Healthier, Happier Life offers stories, resources, and recipes to help anyone live more intentionally. The book brims with over 65 challenges to the reader to make simple changes that will lead to a healthier, happier life.
Create healthy, delicious, real food made from whole ingredients.
Organize and clean your home simply and naturally.
Raise creative, caring, and competent children.
Grow a garden in the space you’ve got.
Celebrate meaningful holidays without excess or stress.
Live Intentionally: 65 Challenges for a Healthier, Happier Life (978-1503089020, 2014, $15) is a practical guidebook to redesigning your life. Concrete challenges combined with heartfelt encouragement and easy-to-understand ideas, make this book at once practical and inspiring. “There is nothing miraculous, difficult, or complicated about living intentionally. Think about what you are eating. Think about what you are doing. Think about how you are parenting. Think about how you are affecting the planet, your neighbors, and your community. Be intentional.”
Cara Sue Achterberg is a freelance writer and blogger who teaches workshops on Intentional Living. Her writing has been featured in Family Fun magazine, Hobby Farms Home magazine, and the York Daily Record. She lives on a hillside in Southern York County with her family. Links to her blogs and inspiration for teen writers can be found on her website CaraWrites.com.
“An Intentional Life is a life you feel good about – down to your core. It’s knowing you are doing the best you can for your health, your family, and your world. It requires no excuses.” Live Intentionally is available for purchase at Amazon.com. You can find more information about Live Intentionally: 65 Challenges for a Healthier Happier Life and sign up for monthly tips at www.CaraWrites.com.
About the Author:
Cara Sue Achterberg is a freelance writer, novelist, and blogger who lives on a hillside in South Central, Pennsylvania with her family, three horses, occasional foster dogs, and too many chickens to count. She is the author of two books. Her essays have been published in numerous anthologies and her freelance work has been featured in national magazines. She teaches workshops on Intentional Living and creative writing. Cara enjoys running, gardening, hiking, and trying not to fall off her favorite horse, True. You can find links to her blogs and inspiration for teen writers on her website CaraWrites.com.
About the Book:
Ideas, recipes, and inspiration to help you live a more intentional life. Easy-to-understand directions for creating healthy delicious food without breaking your budget; cleaning your home with non-toxic, all natural ingredients; growing a garden in the space you’ve got; raising creative, competent, caring kids; and enjoying meaningful holidays and celebrations. Start living an intentional life today.Live Intentionally (978-1503089020) is available for sale through Amazon.com.
Review Copies and Media Interviews:
For a review copy of Live Intentionally or an interview with Cara Sue Achterberg, please contact Cara at 717-577-6180 or [email protected]. When requesting a review copy, please provide street address.
For review copies of I'm Not Her, Girls' Weekend, or Practicing Normal, contact: The Story Plant (860) 552-9089 thestoryplant.com
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Reference Author Bio
Bios for Cara Sue Achterberg
2-line bio:
Cara Sue Achterberg is the author of seven award-winning books. You can find links to her blogs and information on her books at CaraWrites.com.
Short Bio:
Cara Sue Achterberg is a freelance writer and blogger who lives in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia with her husband and a rotating cast of foster dogs and cats. She is the author of four novels, including Blind Turn which was chosen as Maxy Awards Book of the Year in 2021, and won the Women's Fiction category of the American Writing Awards. She is also the author of two memoirs chronicling her work in dog rescue. Another Good Dog: One Family and Fifty Foster Dogs, and One Hundred Dogs and County: One Woman, Ten Thousand Miles and a Journey Into the Heart of Shelters and Rescues led her to co-found the nonprofit Who Will Let the Dogs Out. In that capacity Cara has traveled to over 130 shelters in 13 states to raise awareness and resources for homeless dogs and the heroes who fight for them. She is also the author of Live Intentionally, a guidebook for a more organic life. Her essays and articles have been published in numerous anthologies, national magazines, and online journals. Cara enjoys hiking and visiting wineries in her new home state of Virginia. You can find links to her blogs and information on all her books at CaraWrites.com.
Long Bio:
Cara Sue Achterberg is an author, blogger, and animal advocate who lives in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia with a rotating cast of foster dogs and cats, her own pack of three rescue dogs, a platoon of barn cats, and a husband who can build, fix, or tolerate just about anything.
She is the author of four novels, including Blind Turn which was chosen as Maxy Awards Book of the Year in 2021, and won the Women's Fiction category of the American Writing Awards. Her novels I'm Not Her and Girls' Weekend were national best sellers.
She is also the author of two memoirs chronicling her work in dog rescue. Another Good Dog: One Family and Fifty Foster Dogs based on her popular blog of the same name and One Hundred Dogs and County: One Woman, Ten Thousand Miles and a Journey Into the Heart of Shelters and Rescues led her to co-found the nonprofit Who Will Let the Dogs Out. In that capacity Cara has traveled to over 130 shelters in 13 states to raise awareness and resources for homeless dogs and the heroes who fight for them. She is currently at work on a book about those experiences.
Cara's first book, Live Intentionally: 65 Challenges for a Healthier, Happier Life is a guidebook for a more organic life and was published in 2014.
Cara's essays and articles have been published in numerous anthologies, national magazines, websites, and blogs, in addition to local media. She enjoys teaching writing in workshops and classes. She has also led women’s retreats, facilitated book discussions, and served as a keynote speaker. One of her favorite activities is visiting with bookclubs. Cara also provides coaching/editing services through her WRITE TOGETHER program.
Cara grew up in Hockessin, Delaware (and still considers Delaware the best state of all). She graduated from Averett University with a degree in music before setting it aside to follow her passion of training horses and teaching riding. She later returned to school and earned a degree in Youth Ministry from Eastern College, spending many years hanging out with teenagers, leading Habitat for Humanity work weeks, and eating a lot of pizza.
After marrying Nicholas Achterberg, they moved from Maryland’s Eastern Shore to York County, Pennsylvania. Cara switched careers again, reinventing herself as a writer mom. Once the kids were 'launched' and the pandemic made Nick's job remote, they relocated to their favorite place on earth, the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia.
Cara is passionate about organic food, clean air, productive gardens, uncluttered lives, and real relationships. She also loves Belgian chocolate, Greek olive oil, and almost any cheese.
Cara admits to having a serious blogging habit. Her blog, Another Good Dog, shares her adventures fostering dogs, puppies, cats, and kittens. My Life in Paragraphs is her blog which shares musing on living intentionally, writing advice, and occasional peeks into her writing career. She also writes a blog for Who Will Let the Dogs Out sharing stories of her shelter visits and ideas for helping shelters save more lives and become progressive and sustainable organizations.
She is currently working on a memoir about a very special dog, a nonfiction book sharing her solutions for our country's 'dog problem', and quirky novel.
When not writing or weeding (which can sometimes be one and the same), Cara enjoys hiking, cooking, reading, visiting Virginia wineries, and chasing her pup, Ms Fanny Wiggles, around an agility course.
You can keep up with Cara on Facebook (Cara Sue Achterberg, writer). You can find links to her blogs, lots of dog pictures, and more information on all her books at CaraWrites.com.
Speaker Introduction:
Cara Achterberg is the author of seven books, including memoir and womens fiction. She lives in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia with her husband, three dogs, assorted barn cats, and a rotating cast of foster dogs and cats. Cara is a cofounder of Who Will Let the Dogs Out, a nonprofit that works to raise awareness and resources for shelter dogs and the heroes who fight for them. Cara also writes several blogs, teaches creative writing, and enjoys opportunities to talk about dog rescue. When not writing, Cara can be found hiking in the mountains, enjoying Virginia wine, reading a good book, or chasing her pit bull, Ms Fanny Wiggles around an agility course.. You can find links to Cara's blogs, information on her books (and foster dogs), and a schedule of upcoming appearances at CaraWrites.com.
(Cara Achterberg, pronounced Care-a Octerberg.)
5 Fun Facts You Didn't Know About Me:
1. I’m a Seminary-Drop out.
2. I can’t sleep past 5am.
3. I can’t start my day until I’ve done the Sudoko and Cryptoquip in the morning paper.
4. I'm obsessed with thru hiking even though I've never done it and read/watch/listen to every podcast, documentary, and book on the subject.